Plot Summary: Despite Ryuuji Takasu's gentle personality, his eyes make him look like an intimidating delinquent. Class rearrangements on his second high school year put him together with his best friend, Yuusaku Kitamura, and his hidden crush, Minori Kushieda. Along with these two comes Kushieda's best friend, Taiga Aisaka. Her delicate appearance contrasts with her brutal personality. Secretly in love with Kitamura, Taiga agrees to help Ryuuji with his love interest as long as he helps her get closer to hers.The title とらドラ! (ToraDora!) comes from the names of the protagonists. Taiga sounds like tiger in English, and とら (tora) is Japanese for tiger. Ryuuji, on the otherhand, means son of dragon in Japanese, and ドラゴン (doragon) is a transcription of the word dragon in Japanese.
Their friendship started when Taiga Aisaka accidentally slipped her love letter for Yuusaku Kitamura into Takasu Ryuuji's backpack. She went panicky about the mistake and intended to hide her embarrasment by dying. However, she doesn't want to die so she sneaks into Takasu's house to either kill him or erase his memories (by hitting his head with a wooden katana sword). Eventually, they agreed to help each other win the hearts of their object of affections - Yuusaku Kitamura for Taiga and Minori Kushieda for Takasu.
Taiga lives alone in an ultra luxurious condo unit beside Takasu's humble abode. Her parents are divorced and she can't stand to live with either of her parents. Takasu lives with her mother who goes to work every night as a waitress, or something similar to that. As such, Takasu learned to be very self-sufficient. He knows how to do all the housework. With this set-up, Takasu became somewhat Taiga's guardian and caretaker. She even dubbed Takasu as her dog.