Tuesday, November 3, 2009


In general, we like to give promises..
And whether we accept it or not, we like to hear someone promise that things will be like the ones we hope them to be..
But these promises often break..
Then the next time you hear another promise, you take it as another false hope..
Sooner or later, you proved you’re right..
And so false hopes pile up..
And then you ask..
What is better..
..saying that things will come out better, saying versions of ‘don’t-worry-i’ll-be-here-forever’ lines.. ?
..or just being with someone you care not to lose..
..seeing yourselves happy together without any expectations of what each other is supposed to do..
..feeling contented with each others presence..
..and even if no words come out from anyone of you, you feel your dreams come true...

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